Groping For Trout RER 002
Groping For Trout is our first full-length album, recorded in October 1993 at Fort Apache in Cambridge MA, with Tim O'Heir. We released it on our own label, Ringing Ear Records.
The album has been out of print for a long time, and the record label dormant. In 2008, we released the album under the Creative Commons Attribution License, to make it easier to find and listen to.
Please contain your excitement.
There are two bonus tracks here, recorded at the same session as the rest of the album. "Casemaker" appeared on the Lookout! Records "Punk USA" compilation. "I Think I'm In Love" appeared on... um... I can't quite remember right now.
The album is also now up on streaming/download services like Google Play, Spotify, iTunes, YouTube, etc.
The audio files (in several bitrates) are hosted for download at the Internet Archive.
You can try this Internet Archive Flash player:
The tracks are also available on Jamendo. You can download from there, or use this player here:
Here is the scanned artwork. Click on the images for 300 dpi versions.

You may freely copy the audio and image files and use them any way you want to, with the exception of "Come Sail Away" by Dennis DeYoung, (c) 1977 Almo Music Corp./Stygian Songs (ASCAP) and "I Think I'm In Love" by Eddie Money, (c) 1982.
If you modify or incorporate the work, please credit:
Sinkhole -
Legal details:
This work (collection of audio and image files) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.